My first web page

My first web page :)

Skip to why this is

I'm really bad at writing link text. Click here to find out more.

See my page :)

What could this be?

What this is

A simple page put together using HTML

So joyous
So joyous!!

This web site is about HTML and CSS.

According to the Bible, after six days God said screw this for a lark, I'm having a nap.

If you add the line givevaderachuckle = true; to the destroy_planet subroutine and then type ilovejabba into the console, the big bad green Death Star laser will etch Slug Lover! on the planet's surface.

He wants to play with his Legos

Written by Doctor Who on .

[An introduction]



[An introduction]



[All about Tixall]

[Maybe a bit more about Tixall]

Tixall Obelisk

Why this is

There was a loud lady named Noa,
Who stumbled on a four-meter boa;
Around her neck it wrapped,
Until her vocal chords snapped,
And now the volume around town is much lower.

Silly Sillier Silliest
Row 2, cell 1 Row 2, cell 2, also spanning Row 2, cell 3
Row 3, cell 1, also spanning Row 4, cell 1 Row 3, cell 2 Row 3, cell 3
Row 4, cell 2 Row 4, cell 3
Locust mating habits
This That The other
Ladybird Locust Lunch

First name

Last name

Bob's canine mother and equine father sat him down and carefully explained that he was an allopolyploid organism.

I have decided to decrease increase the amount of free ice cream that the State will provide for its citizens.

Where to find the tutorial


My own web page!!


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Nothing's changed, but a process has occured...